High Tack Printed Vinyl & Stickers


Our custom High Tack (Very Sticky Self Adhesive Vinyl) vinyl & sticker printing service for trade provides high quality printed vinyl and printed stickers for displays. High Tack printed stickers are designed to stick to low surface tension areas e.g. painted plasterboard, to ensure that your printed stickers remain firmly in place. They're great for long-term advertisements, notices, displaying a company logo, signage and more.

We stock three flavours of High Tack printed vinyl & stickers:

- Low Grade - Plasterboard or Flat Surfaces.
- Medium Grade - Flat Porous Surfaces or Rough Surfaces (with heat).
- High Grade - Once it's down it's not coming off.

If you do not know what type of High Tack to use, we recommend asking for samples of the type of printed High Tack vinyl you want to try using. Get in touch with us today and can advise you on finding the right kind of High Tack Self Adhesive Vinyl for your needs. Call us or use the Instant Chat below. More Info

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